An Answer for Andrew....

Sorry, I cannot figure out how to respond to comments. I'm working on it, but for now this will have to do. 

This was Andrews comment to the post  Daydreams, Bestsellers and my take on Reader Reviews
Hi Tammie. Loved this post. Everybody seems to get the occasional reader review that stings.

"I don't expect every one of them to love my writing style and I try not to take their critical remarks personally."

Sound advice. I was just wondering if you had any tips on how to do that.

Hi Andrew,I think the key is in realizing that not everyone is going to like our style.  So far, I've only gotten a few reviews that weren't great and very complimentary.  I think when it comes to something as personal as our stories/writing we cannot imagine anyone not liking us.  Truthfully, I pick up books all the time that just don't appeal to me. I watch movies that other people LOVE and I just can't get into.  Therefore, the thing that is most beautiful about the creative process is the same thing that cuts us like a knife.  People like different things and our challenge is to try to market ourselves in a manner that helps us find the right people. Now, anyone got ideas on how we do that? LOL. Just kidding. :)

Have a Happy Weekend! Tammie


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